Post by Pat Riva (10 September 2024)
Hello all,
For the Plovdiv meeting the topic of discussion for LRMoo is the modelling of series.
Maja, Trond and I have prepared this presentation (read first), and then for more details see the document.
We welcome your comments in advance, either on the list or as comments in the document.
In the 59th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9 & 52nd FRBR/LRMoo SIG, Pat gave an outline of the issue (mainly a proposal to introduce a new modeling construct in LRMoo that will serve as a link to PRESSoo and will substitute the current link to it through F18 Serial Work, which will subsequently be deprecated).
For the details of the proposal and the ensuing discussion, see here (also check the slide deck of her presentation)
The proposal is not complete yet, its purpose was to get the SIG’s feedback on the usefulness of the concept. The LRMoo group will revise and come back with a definitive proposal at the next SIG meeting
Plovdiv, September 2024