Archaeological Excavation Semantic Modelling Workgroup
Semantic Modelling Workshop Series
1st Workshop – Controlled Representation of Linked Archaeological Datasets: A Semantic Reference Data Model (SRDM) Approach
20 February 2024, 14:00 CET
George Bruseker (,
Denitsa Nenova (
Call for participation
This workshop presents a controlled approach to the semantic representation of archaeological datasets. It highlights the key steps in a semantic reference data model centred approach. In particular, it shows the method adopted at to record both the semantic data project itself and its components and the practical steps taken to use semantic data patterns in a well-known model to create and use declarative mappings in order to generate consistent, reusable and well documented semantic archaeological data. The workshop demonstrates the SemCMD Arches application for semantic data projects, the zellij software for data pattern representation and the use of the tool 3M/X3ML following these patterns to do actual mappings and transformations.
Workshop recordings
Link to the CIDOC Museum Documentation Channel on Youtube:
2nd Workshop – RDF Creation Pipeline; A Workflow to transform Archaeological Data Sets from Tabular Data to RDF using RDFstar and Named Graphs
24 April 2024, 13:00 CET
Milena Peralta Friedburg (Universität Innsbruck),
Gerald Hiebel (Universität Innsbruck)
Call for participation
This workshop presents an approach to create RDF data from tabular data. The main goal of this method is to integrate different sources in one Knowledge Graph by providing a generic data input frame. The example of a sample of archaeological data that has been entered in a spreadsheet (but could have been extracted from a database as well) is taken through the 4 steps required to create RDF:
• Create data with unique identifiers and prefixes
• Load data in a postgres database
• Map the data using OntotextRefine
• Load the data in a GraphDB (ontotext) repository using SPARQL to create RDF with the option of automated creation of RDFstar and named graph constructs.
In this workshop an archaeological example is shown in detail and then other examples from Digital Humanities research are used to illustrate the generic approach.
Workshop recordings
Link to the CIDOC Museum Documentation Channel on Youtube:
3rd Workshop –OpenArchaeo: a digital ecosystem to bring archaeological datasets to semantic Web
5 November 2024, 13:00 CET
Florian Hivert (Université de Tours),
Olivier Marlet (Université de Tours)
Call for participation
The French Huma-Num consortium MASAplus has set up an infrastructure to bring heterogeneous archaeological datasets to the semantic web using the CIDOC ontology. The process involves mapping, using tools adapted to the dataset, to generate triples, then checking their consistency, before publishing them on the OpenArchaeo triple-store. In addition to this rigorous procedure, OpenArchaeo above all offers the possibility of querying these datasets with a user-friendly interface (Sparnatural) that enables intuitive querying of the triple-store using the archaeologists' vocabulary and without any familiarity with the Sparql language.
Workshop recordings
Link to the CIDOC Museum Documentation Channel on Youtube: