Issue 368: Concept of inscription in the epigraphic sense
In the 49th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and SO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 42nd FRBR – CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the sig decided to close this issue.
The problem it was intended to resolve (harmonize E34 Inscription with the understanding of inscriptions as modelled in CRMtex) is no longer relevant, now that the restiction that E34 describes short texts has been lifted.
The polysemy of the word "inscription" was resolved by appealing to a number of CRMtex classes: TX1 Written Text (i.e. inscriptions as physical features), TX10 Style (i.e. inscriptions as the arrangement of symbols), E33 Linguistic Object or E34 Inscription (i.e. the linguistic meaning rendered by a text).
the unpacking of the various meanings associated with the notion of inscription into semantically distinct classes should serve as a use case (to be discussed in a separate issue and to be added to the Modelling Principles document -HW AF)
Issue Closed
March 2021