Issue Processing

Showing 10 results:
ID Title Working Group Status Closing Date Last Updated
654 Review of CRMba 3 Open 2023-12-14
627 explicitly document cross-references btw family models 1 Open 2024-05-10
469 A phrase of every property of every extension 3 Done 2020-10-23 2021-01-11
449 How to write examples 4 Done 2020-04-30 2020-06-25
379 guidelines about position of notes 4 Done 2019-03-27 2020-02-28
377 Template for CRM family models definition 1 Done 2018-11-15 2018-11-26
336 Assistance for reducing to core CRM model 4 Done 2018-11-30 2019-02-27
321 BP11.2 Connected through 3 Done 2023-12-14
314 The introductory text of CIDOC CRM site 4 Done 2019-10-25 2020-02-20
296 About Function 4 Done 2023-03-07