E53 Place

Belongs to version: 
Version 5.1.2
Version 6.0
Version 6.1
Version 6.2
Version 6.2.1
Version 6.2.2
version 7.1
version 7.1.1
Version 5.0.2
Version 4.1
Version 5.0.1
E53 Place

P87 is identified by

Scope Note: 
This property identifies an E53 Place using an E44 Place Appellation. 
Examples of Place Appellations used to identify Places include instances of E48 Place Name, addresses, E47 Spatial Coordinates etc.

P59 has section

Scope Note: 
This property links an area to the instance of E18 Physical Thing upon which it is found.
It is typically used when a named E46 Section Definition is not appropriate.
E18 Physical Thing may be subdivided into arbitrary regions. 

P7 took place at

Scope Note: 

This property describes the spatial location of an instance of E4 Period. The related E53 Place should be seen as an approximation of the geographical area within which the phenomena that characterise the period in question occurred.

E1 CRM Entity

Belongs to versions: 
Scope Note: 
This class comprises all things in the universe of discourse of the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model. It is an abstract concept providing for three general properties:
1. Identification by name or appellation, and in particular by a preferred identifier
