E41 Appellation

Belongs to version: 
Version 5.1.2
Version 6.0
Version 6.1
Version 6.2
Version 6.2.1
Version 6.2.2
version 7.1
version 7.1.1
Version 5.0.2
Version 4.1
Version 5.0.1
E41 Appellation

E94 Space Primitive

Belongs to versions: 
Scope Note: 

This class comprises instances of E59 Primitive Value for space that should be implemented with appropriate validation, precision and references to spatial coordinate systems to express geometries on or relative to Earth, or on any other stable constellations of matter, relevant to cultural and scientific documentation.

E61 Time Primitive

Belongs to versions: 
Scope Note: 
This class comprises instances of E59 Primitive Value for time that should be implemented with appropriate validation, precision and references to temporal coordinate systems to express time in some context relevant to cultural and scientific documentation.

E42 Identifier

Belongs to versions: 
Scope Note: 

This class comprises strings or codes assigned to instances of E1 CRM Entity in order to identify them uniquely and permanently within the context of one or more organisations. Such codes are often known as inventory numbers, registration codes, etc. and are typically composed of alphanumeric sequences.

E35 Title

Belongs to versions: 
Scope Note: 
This class comprises textual strings that within a cultural context can be clearly identified as titles due to their form. Being a subclass of E41 Appellation, E35 Title can only be used when such a string is actually used as a title of a work, such as a text, an artwork, or a piece of music.

P139 has alternative form

Scope Note: 
This property establishes a relationship of equivalence between two instances of E41 Appellation independent from any item identified by them. It is a dynamic asymmetric relationship, where the range expresses the derivative, if such a direction can be established. Otherwise, the relationship is symmetric. The relationship is not transitive.

E42 Identifier

Belongs to versions: 
Scope Note: 

This class comprises strings or codes assigned to instances of E1 CRM Entity in order to identify them uniquely and permanently within the context of one or more organisations. Such codes are often known as inventory numbers, registration codes, etc. and are typically composed of alphanumeric sequences.

E51 Contact Point

Belongs to versions: 
Scope Note: 
This class comprises identifiers employed, or understood, by communication services to direct communications to an instance of E39 Actor. These include E-mail addresses, telephone numbers, post office boxes, Fax numbers, URLs etc.
