1 - Editorial changes
Martin has proposed the following actions concerning CRMinf examples (p.c.)
for J1 used as premise:
- deprecate the fictitious example: My classification and dating of this bowl (I5) used as premise my belief my belief in the observations of this bowl (I2). (fictitious)
- deprecate the fictitious example: My classification and dating of this bowl (I5) used as premise my belief that Dragendorff type 29 bowls are from the 1st century AD (I2)
- replace it with the example: The gender classification of the skeleton on the left bench in La Tomba dell'Aryballos sospeso provided to the press by Prof. Alessandro Mandolesi on the 21th of September 2013 (E17, I5) used as premise one lance being in the burial arrangement on the left bench in La Tomba dell'Aryballos sospeso as observed by Prof. Alessandro Mandolesi (I2). (Squires, 2013) (Mandolesi, 2013)
for J2 concluded that:
- add new example: The gender classification of the skeleton on the left bench in La Tomba dell'Aryballos sospeso provided to the press by Prof. Alessandro Mandolesi on the 21th of September 2013 (E17, I5) concluded that the belief of Prof. Alessandro Mandolesi in the gender of the skeleton on the left bench in La Tomba dell'Aryballos sospeso as provided to the press on the 21th of September 2013 (I2). (Squires 2013)
for J5 holds to be:
- add new example: One lance being in the burial arrangement on the left bench in La Tomba dell'Aryballos so-speso following Prof. Alessandro Mandolesi’s observation (I2) holds to be True (I6). (Squires 2013) (Mandolesi, 2013)
- add new example: The belief of Prof. Alessandro Mandolesi in the gender of the skeleton on the left bench in La Tomba dell'Aryballos sospeso as provided to the press on the 21th of September 2013 (I2) holds to be True (I6). (Squires, 2013)