Issue 532: The cardinality of AP13.2 is justified by (is justification of)

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 

In the 49th CIDOC CRM and 42nd FRBR CRM sig meeting (virtual), Upon discussing issue 480, the sig decided to start a new issue where to discuss the cardinality of AP13.2 is justified by (is justification of) -formerly known as AP14. 

March 2021



In the 51st CIDOC CRM & 44th FRBRoo SIG meeting, the SIG reviewed the proposal to change the cardinality of Ap13.2 justified (is justified by) back to one-to-many (0,n:0,1)on the grounds that one result (physical relation btw stratigraphic units) cannot have multiple causes of a given type.

Also The SIG decided to start a new issue, to discuss the section where cardinalities of typed properties (.1/.2) should appear in the CIDOC CRM document.

Nb. If cardinalities for typed properties are not to be defined on a one-by-one basis, this calls for drafting a text settling them in the introduction section.
Otherwise, a template is needed for adding cardinality constraints to the definitions of typed properties, for the properties that have them. 

Issue closed

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