F23 Expression Fragment

Scope Note: 

This class comprises parts of Expressions and these parts are not Self-Contained Expressions themselves.
The existence of an instance of F23 Expression Fragment can be due to accident, such as loss of material over time, e.g. the only remaining manuscript of an antique text being partially eaten by worms, or due to deliberate isolation, such as excerpts taken from a text by the compiler of a collection of excerpts.
An F23 Expression Fragment is only identified with respect to its occurrence in a known or assumed whole. The size of an instance of F23 Expression Fragment ranges from more than 99% of an instance of F22 Self-Contained Expression to tiny bits (a few words from a text, one bar from a musical composition, one detail from a still image, a two-second clip from a movie, etc.).


The only remnants of Sappho’s poems
The words ‘Beati pauperes spiritu’ (excerpted from Matthew’s Gospel 5,3 in Latin translation)

Family model: 
Belongs to FM version: 
FRBRoo v. 2.1
Subclass of: 
FRBR class: 
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