Issue 503: new examples for E13 Attribute Assignment.

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 
Closing Date: 

In the 47th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 40th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting; the crm-sig commented that the example of E13 is problematic and decided to close the issue and start a new issue on the examples of E13 Attribute Assignment.

TV: will look up real examples from conservation studies –we need at least two. (HW)

June 2020

Current Proposal: 

Posted by Thanasis on 18/12/2020

Dear all,

Some HW for issue 503 to be discussed next week. This was to produce new examples for E13 Attribute Assignment. After discussion with Martin, it looks like some of them are better suited for E14 Condition Assessment.

All the best,



E13 Attribute Assignment

  • the examination of MS Sinai Greek 418 by Nicholas Pickwoad in November 2003 (E13) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

P140 assigned attribute to

  • the examination (E13) of MS Sinai Greek 418 assigned attribute to MS Sinai Greek 418 (E22) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

P141 assigned

  • the examination (E13) of MS Sinai Greek 418 assigned unsupported (E55) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

P177 assigned property type

  • the examination (E13) of MS Sinai Greek 418 assigned property type binding structure type (E55) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

  • the condition assessment (E14) of the endband cores of MS Sinai Greek 418 assigned property type damage (E55) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

  • the condition assessment (E14) of the cover of MS Sinai Greek 418 assigned property type quality (E55) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

E14 Condition Assessment

  • the condition assessment of the endband cores of MS Sinai Greek 418 by Nicholas Pickwoad in November 2003 (E14) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

  • the condition assessment of the cover of MS Sinai Greek 418 by Nicholas Pickwoad in November 2003 (E14) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

P34 concerned

  • the condition assessment of the cover of MS Sinai Greek 418 (E14) concerned the cover of MS Sinai Greek 418 (E22) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

  • the condition assessment of the endband cores of MS Sinai Greek 418 (E14) concerned the endband cores of MS Sinai Greek 418 (E22) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

P35 has identified

  • the condition assessment of the cover of MS Sinai Greek 418 (E13) has identified a condition state (E3) which has type fine (E55) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)

  • the condition assessment of the endband cores of MS Sinai Greek 418 (E14) has identified a condition state (E3) which has type broken (E55) (Honey and Pickwoad, 2010)


Works cited

Honey, A. and Pickwoad, N. (2010) ‘Learning from the Past: Using Original Techniques to Conserve a Twelfth-Century Illuminated Manuscript and Its Sixteenth-Century Greek-Style Binding at the Monastery of St Catherine, Sinai’, Studies in Conservation, 55(sup2), pp. 56–61. doi: 10.1179/sic.2010.55.Supplement-2.56.

Posted by Martin on 19/10/2020

Dear Thanasi,

Since condition states are temporal entities, they need a minimal validity time. We have discussed in the past, that condition assessments may be retrospective and therefore not coincide with the condition state. Should we, instead of
"a condition state (E3) which has type fine (E55)"
say "the condition state in November 2003 (E3)" [which has type fine (E55)] ?


In the 48th CIDOC CRM and 41st FRBR CRM sig meeting (virtual),the sig reviewed the examples for E13 Attribute Assignment, P140 assigned attribute to, P141 assigned, P177 assigned property type, E14 Condition Assessment, P34 concerned, P35 has identified [HW by TV] and decided to close the issue.
The updated examples  can be found here.

The issue closed.

October 2020

Meetings discussed: