From the issue 436
In the 45th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and SO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 38th FRBR – CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the sig discussed the proposal put forth by TV to either broaden the scope of P125 used object of type to include material-types (aside object types) or to introduce a new property in CRMsci such that it replicates P125, with the difference that its range would be compatible with instances of S10 Material Substantial and decided against both options, as the range of P126 covers instances where what is of interest is not the type of object, but the kind of material used.
Furthermore, the sig decided to close this issue and assigned TV (HW) to start a new issue on broadening the scope of P126 employed (was employed in) [D: E11 Modification, R: E57 Material], by changing the domain of the property to E7 Activity –assuming that there are examples justifying the change; i.e. instances of Activities requiring the use of a specific type of material, where the activity type is not an instance of E11 Modification.
Heraklion, October 2019
Posted by Thanasis on 6/2/2020
Dear all,
In the last SIG meeting I was asked to propose a revision to P126 in order to broaden its scope from E11 Modification to E7 Activity. The rationale for this is that there are activities which employ materials and which do not result in a modification. For example in this paper from the conservation domain:
Kate Fulcher (2017) An investigation of the use of cellulose-based materials to gap-fill wooden objects, Studies in Conservation, 62:4, 210-222, DOI: 10.1080/00393630.2015.1109294
An activity (E7) is taking place where water (E57) is applied to a sample of a fill (i.e. a component made by the conservator to fill a hole in an object). The sample is made of Paraloid® B-72 BC1000 and water has no effect on it. Therefore the activity is not a modification.
Old definition:
P126 employed (was employed in)
Domain: E11 Modification
Range: E57 Material
Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
Scope note:
This property identifies E57 Material employed in an E11 Modification.
The E57 Material used during the E11 Modification does not necessarily become incorporated into the E24 Physical Man-Made Thing that forms the subject of the E11 Modification.
the repairing of the Queen Mary (E11) employed Steel (E57)
distilled water (E57) was employed in the restoration of the Sistine Chapel (E11)
In First Order Logic:
P126(x,y) ³ E11(x)
P126(x,y) ³ E57(y)
New definition
P126 employed (was employed in)
Domain: E7 Activity
Range: E57 Material
Quantification: many to many (0,n:0,n)
Scope note:
This property identifies E57 Material employed in an E7 Activity.
Physical evidence of the use of E57 Material may not be visible on any E18 Physical Thing that may have been used during the E7 Activity.
the repairing of the Queen Mary (E11) employed Steel (E57)
distilled water (E57) was employed in the restoration of the Sistine Chapel (E11)
In First Order Logic:
P126(x,y) ³ E7(x)
P126(x,y) ³ E57(y)
In the 47th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 40th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting; the sig discussed about the proposal and HW of Thanasis and decided to close the issue, to abandon the HW and to open a new issue to change the scope note of E11 Modification as described in the details minutes of this discussion (here) HW for TV to include the border cases.
The issue closed
June 2020