Posted by Christian Emil on 20/8/2019
Dear all,
I check the document CRM version 6.2.6 for inconsistencies, lacking "instance of", references to deprecated classes and properties etc. I noticed that some text in the scope note of E59 Primitive Value is repeated in the scope note of E61 Time Primitive, se below (the two first paragraphs of E59 and the two last paragraphs of E61 marked with *********). The paragraphs do not occur in the scope note of E60 Number. My suggestion is that we delete the last two paragraphs of the scope note of E61 Time Primitive.
E59 Primitive Value
Superclass of: E60 Number
E61 Time Primitive
E62 String
Scope Note:
This class comprises values of primitive data types of programming languages or database management systems and data types composed of such values used as documentation elements, as well as their mathematical abstractions.
They are not considered as elements of the universe of discourse this model aims at defining and analysing. Rather, they play the role of a symbolic interface between the scope of this model and the world of mathematical and computational manipulations and the symbolic objects they define and handle.
In particular they comprise lexical forms encoded as "strings" or series of characters and symbols based on encoding schemes (characterised by being a limited subset of the respective mathematical abstractions) such as UNICODE and values of datatypes that can be encoded in a lexical form, including quantitative specifications of time-spans and geometry. They have in common that instances of E59 Primitive Value define themselves by virtue of their encoded value, regardless the nature of their mathematical abstractions.
Therefore they must not be represented in an implementation by a universal identifier associated with a content model of different identity. In a concrete application, it is recommended that the primitive value system from a chosen implementation platform and/or data definition language be used to substitute for this class and its subclasses.
E61 Time Primitive
Subclass of: E59 Primitive Value
Scope Note: This class comprises instances of E59 Primitive Value for time that should be implemented with appropriate validation, precision and references to temporal coordinate systems to express time in some context relevant to cultural and scientific documentation.
Instantiating different instances of E61 Time Primitive relative to the same instance of E52 Time Span allows for the expression of multiple opinions/approximations of the same phenomenon. When representing different opinions/approximations of the E52 Time Span of some E2 Temporal Entity, multiple instances of E61 Time Primitive should be instantiated relative to one E52 Time Span. Only one E52 Time Span should be instantiated since there is only one real phenomenal time extent of any given temporal entity.
The instances of E61 Time Primitive are not considered as elements of the universe of discourse that the CIDOC CRM aims at defining and analysing. Rather, they play the role of a symbolic interface between the scope of this model and the world of mathematical and computational manipulations and the symbolic objects they define and handle.
Therefore they must not be represented in an implementation by a universal identifier associated with a content model of different identity. In a concrete application, it is recommended that the primitive value system from a chosen implementation platform and/or data definition language be used to substitute for this class.
In the 45th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and SO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 38th FRBR – CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the sig following CEO’s observation that the scope note of E61 Time Primitive essentially reprises the last two paragraphs of E59 Primitive Value, appointed MD and CEO to redraft the scope note of E61 Time Primitive, so that it refers to the superclass, instead of copying out chunks of text from it. Furthermore, the new text must reflect and highlight that E61 Time Primitive is a specialization of E59 Primitive Value (HW).
Heraklion, October 2019
Posted by Christian Emil on 17/6/2020
Please find my homework for Issue 428 (
In the 47th joint meeting of the CIDOC CRM SIG and ISO/TC46/SC4/WG9; 40th FRBR - CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting; the crm-sig reviewed CEO's HW, during the meeting MD proposed changes, the accepted scope note for E59 can be found here .
At the end, the sig decided to close the issue and open a new issue about redrafting the scope notes of all primitive values that are isA E41 Appellation.
The issue closed
June 2020