Posted by Joao Lima on 6/2/2008
In the same line of thought is it possible to state that
P134 continued (was continued by) isA P120 occurs before (occurs after)
P9 consists of (forms part of) isA P117B includes (occurs during)
P10 falls within (contains) isA P117 occurs during (includes)
Joao Lima
Since it is not subsumed that every time "continue" means "occurs before" or "meets in time" we decided to examine if we need generalized properties of ALLEN operators.
17th CRM SIG meeting, May 2008
Christian Emil will elaborate a proposal, Amsterdam 17-11-2011
Christian Emil will resolve this issue
Amersfoort 20/11/2012
In Stockholm, the CRM-SIG decided to examine this issue in the light of distinctions we made about phenomenal place time volume (see minutes of 28th CIDOC SIG meeting and the 21st FRBR-CIDOC CRM)
28th CRM-SIG meeting, June 2013, Stockholm
Posted by Crhistian Emil on 18/10/2013
The newly proposed 'Exx SpaceTime Body' makes explicit the space aspect of the temporal entities from E4 Period and its sub classes. The spatial aspect of E4 Period should be taken into consideration when discussing the three thoughts above. For example does P10 require falls with in both in time and space or perhaps just in one of them. Correspondingly for P9 and P134. Sub-issue 1 above is currently not possible due to the definition of the Allen operators. By weakening occurs after slightly, it may be ok.
Posted by CEO 20/11/2013
Dear all
In the study of issue 195, I did a close reading of the scope note of P10 continues:
"This property allows two activities to be related where the domain is considered as an intentional continuation of the range.
Used multiple times, this allows a chain of related activities to be created which follow each other in sequence."
Assume 'A P10 continues B'. The first part of the scope note does not mention time or sequence. Thus, even though B occurs in time within A, A could be seen as a continuation of B. For example the activities of a company bought by another company or a country which is taken over by another country (DDR -> BRD) could be continued by the activities of the buying firm or the annexing country.
The second sentence at least hits that A has to follow B in time. In any case A cannot occur before or be equal to B in time.
In general on should check the properties involving time relations and include information about the allen operators to avoid inconsistencies.
The scope note should be more explicit on the temporal aspect. That is, include a third paragraph/sentence on the line of
"The property does only subsume that an activity continuing another does not occur before the other activity in time and is not equal in time ."
Posted by CEO 20/11/2013
Dear all
In the study of issue 195, I did a close reading of the scope note of P134 continued:
"This property allows two activities to be related where the domain is considered as an intentional continuation of the range.
Used multiple times, this allows a chain of related activities to be created which follow each other in sequence."
Assume 'A P134 continued B'. The first part of the scope note does not mention time or sequence. Thus, even though B occurs in time within A, A could be seen as a continuation of B. For example the activities of a company bought by another company or a country which is taken over by another country (DDR -> BRD) could be continued by the activities of the buying firm or the annexing country.
The second sentence at least hits that A has to follow B in time. In any case A cannot occur before or be equal to B in time. In general on should check the properties involving time relations and include information about the allen operators to avoid inconsistencies.
The scope note should be more explicit on the temporal aspect(Endpoint of domain after endpoint of range ). That is,include a third paragraph/sentence on the line of
"The property does only subsume that an activity continuing another does not occur before the other activity in time and is not equal in time."
Following the discussion (see minutes) new proposal have to be made, plus example , scope note by MD and CEO
29th CRM-SIG meeting, Heraklion, October 2013
In 30th CIDOC SIG and the 23rd FRBR-CIDOC CRM Harmonization meeting, the sig accepted the proposal made by MD about the improvement of the scope note of for P134. The resulted scope note is the following
"This property associates two instances of E7 Activity, where the domain is considered as an intentional continuation of the range. A continuation of an activity may happen when the continued activity is still ongoing or after the continued activity has completely ended. The continuing activity may have started already before it decided to continue the other one. Continuation implies a coherence of intentions and outcomes of the involved activities. "
The issue is closed
30th crm-sig meeting, Hague, April 2014