E65 Creation Event P94 has created (was created by) Conceptual Object: is subproperty of P12,P92
E12 Production Event P108 has produced (was produced by) Physical Man-Made Stuff: is subproperty of P31,P92
E67 Birth P98 brought into life (was born) Person P92
E66 Formation Event P95 has formed (was formed by) Group P11,P92
P31 (modified) is subproperty of P12, as well as P11 (participated in).
Hence, all Groups, Stuff are present in their creation, but not Persons. I think the idea in Copenhagen was to
link P92 brought into existence, summarily to P12.
E6 Destruction P13 destroyed (was destroyed by) Physical Object is subproperty of P93
E68 Dissolution P99 dissolved (was dissolved by) Group is subproperty of P11,P93
E69 Death P100 was death of (died in) Person is subproperty of P93
Meaning, that neither objects nor people are present at their end.
I think the idea in Copenhagen was to link P93 took out of existence, summarily to P12.
Immaterial things end by forgetting or destruction of all carriers. So, I think we can fairly assume
that all Persistent Items are present until and at the event of their end.
1) P94 to be subproperty of 92 only, as P98, and P92 to be subproperty of P12. This is consistent, as we declare presence
of immaterials as through their carriers.
2) I propose P93 to be subproperty of P12.
A person is present at his/her birth. P94 to be subproperty of 92 only, as P98, and P92 to be subproperty of P12. This is consistent, as we declare presence of immaterials as through their carriers.
- Agreed to make P92 brought into existence subproperty of P12 is present at.
- Agreed to make P93 took out of existence subproperty of P12 is present at.
- Agreed to delete P95 has formed IsA P11 had participant
Proposal Accepted
Rethymnon 23/10/2002