
Classes & Properties Declarations of CRMba version: 1.4 (DRAFT)

Namespace: http://www.cidoc-crm.org/extensions/crmba/

CRMba version: 1.4 was released on April, 2016 and is available at: https://www.cidoc-crm.org/crmba/ModelVersion/version-1.4.

It includes references to the following external models:

In current page, you can:

Table of Classes & Properties

The following table lists the 5 Classes and the 10 Properties declared in CRMba version 1.4.

B1 Built WorkBP1 is section of (has section)
B2 Morphological Building SectionBP2 is constituent of (is constituted by)
B3 Filled Morphological Building SectionBP3 is spatial temporary equal to
B4 Empty Morphological Building SectionBP4 terminates the constituency (constituency was terminated by)
B5 Stratigraphic Building UnitBP5 initiates the constituency (constituency was initiated by)
BP11 is connected to
BP11.2 is connected through
BP13 used specific object (was specific object used by)
BP14 re-used specific object (was specific object re-used by)
BP15 is equal to

Table of Properties of Properties (.1 Properties)

The following table lists the 1 Properties declared in CIDOC-CRM version 1.4 that include a Property of Property (.1 Property) specification.

Property of PropertyProperty Domain
BP11.1 in the mode of: E55 TypeBP11 is connected to

B1 Built Work
SubClass Of:
E92 Spacetime Volume
E24 Physical Human-Made Thing
SuperClass Of:
B2 Morphological Building SectionB2
Scope Note:
This class comprises instances of man-made things such as freestanding buildings, components of buildings, and complexes of buildings. It refers to man-made environments, typically large enough for humans to enter, serving a practical purpose, being relatively permanent and stable (AAT). Instances of built works are composed of parts that share an aspect of role, which often perform a distinct function.

The Bishop’s Palace

The ruins of Loropéni

The Coliseum

In First Order Logic:
B2 Morphological Building Section
SubClass Of:
B1 Built WorkB1
SuperClass Of:
B3 Filled Morphological Building SectionB3
Scope Note:
This class comprises instances of man-made things that are considered functional units for the whole building (e.g. rooms, foundations, roof, and so forth). A B2 is a geometric feature with volume and is a Spacetime Volume (E92). A B2 is composed of (P46) parts that are completely filled with matter (B3 Filled Morphological Building Section), which confines (AP12) empty spaces (B4 Empty Morphological Building Section) that are the result of the intentional disposition of a set of B3.

The western wall of the Cathedral

The corner tower

The battlements of the palace perimeter

In First Order Logic:
BP1 is section of (has section): B1 Built Work
BP11 is connected to: B2 Morphological Building Section
B3 Filled Morphological Building Section
SubClass Of:
E24 Physical Human-Made Thing
B2 Morphological Building Section
SuperClass Of:
- -
Scope Note:
This class comprises instances of man-made things that are completely filled with matter. Instances of Filled Morphological Building Section are components of the functional units of a built work. These elements like walls, floors and ceilings have properties such as dimensions, material etc. The intentional disposition of a set of B3 defines portions of space that are completely void, e.g. a window, a doorway and so forth.

The ionic columns of the portico

The walls that surround a room

In First Order Logic:
B4 Empty Morphological Building Section
SubClass Of:
S20 Rigid Physical FeatureS20
SuperClass Of:
- -
Scope Note:
This class comprises identifiable features that are physically attached to particular physical objects. Instances of B4 Empty Morphological Building Section are components of the functional units that form a built work.

of B4 are the empty spaces that are formed by their surrounding walls, floors and ceiling. Empty spaces are fundamental elements in modelling environments like BIM that need to have explicit space objects where the spaces are formed by the surrounding objects (Underwood et al. 2009). Instances of B4 are portions of the space resulting from the intentional disposition in the space of a set of Filled Morphological Building Sections. The void space must be intentionally obtained to serve a function for the building.

The intercolumniation of a portico

The Gate of Felicity of Topkapı Palace

The compluvium of the roof of a Roman Domus

The portico of the Temple of Ercole Vincitore (B1) is composed of columns (B3)

that confine (AP12) the intercolumniation (B4)

In First Order Logic:
B5 Stratigraphic Building Unit
SubClass Of:
A2 Stratigraphic Volume UnitA2
SuperClass Of:
- -
Scope Note:
This class comprises instances of physical things that represents the minimal construction unit of a built work. The B5 Stratigraphic Building Unit is a constituent part of a B2 Morphological Building Section. The Stratigraphic Building Unit (B5) represents a single evidence of human activity intentionally performed on the building: e.g. the presence of mortar, vestments or any of the discontinuities of matter that can be observed on a wall surface. The term constituency is used within the model with the meaning: “the status of being a constituent part”.

Instances of Stratigraphic Building Unit are, for example, a single wall or the various architectonic components that constitute the Morphologic Building Section.

The fresco decoration of the great hall

In First Order Logic:
BP2 is constituent of (is constituted by): B1 Built Work
BP15 is equal to: B3 Filled Morphological Building Section
BP1 is section of (has section)
B2 Morphological Building SectionB2
B1 Built WorkB1
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
many to one (0,n:0,1)
Scope Note:
This property is used to link the Morphological Building Sections that are part of a Built Work

The great hall (BP1 is section of) the Bishop’s Palace

In First Order Logic:
BP2 is constituent of (is constituted by)
B5 Stratigraphic Building UnitB5
B1 Built WorkB1
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
many to one (0,n:0,1)
Scope Note:
This property describes the relation between a Morphological Building Section (e.g. a wall) and any Stratigraphic Building Section. When the SBU and the MBS are equal we can use the shortcut: B5 SBU (BP2 is constituent of) B1 Built Work.

The fresco of the great hall (BP2 is constituent of) the northern wall

In First Order Logic:
BP3 is spatial temporary equal to
E92 Spacetime VolumeE92
E92 Spacetime VolumeE92
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
many to many (0,n:0,n)
Scope Note:
This property is used to relate the Spacetime Volume of two entities (Morphological Building Units and Stratigraphic Building Section). When the two STV overlap, the two entities are equal.

The STV of the plaster that completely covers the wall surface (BP3 is spatial temporary equal to) the STV of the masonry.

In First Order Logic:
BP4 terminates the constituency (constituency was terminated by)
E80 Part RemovalE80
B2 Morphological Building SectionB2
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
many to many (0,n:0,n)
Scope Note:
This property is used to describe the constituency (being part of) of a Stratigraphic Building Section with a Filled Morphological Building Section. The constituency ends when an entity (FMBS) is diminished by matter.

The removal of the fresco from the northern wall (BP4 terminates the constituency) of the fresco to the wall.

In First Order Logic:
BP5 initiates the constituency (constituency was initiated by)
E79 Part AdditionE79
B2 Morphological Building SectionB2
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
many to many (0,n:0,n)
Scope Note:
This property is used to describe the beginning of the constituency of a Stratigraphic Building Unit with a Morphological Building Section. This starts when substance is added to a Morphological Building Unit.

The painting of the fresco on the northern wall (BP5 initiates the constituency) of the painting to the wall.

In First Order Logic:
BP11 is connected to
B2 Morphological Building SectionB2
B2 Morphological Building SectionB2
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
one to many (0,n:0,1)
Scope Note:
This property identifies the instance of B2 Morphological Building Section which is connected to another instance of B2 Morphological Building Section. The instance of E24 Physical Man Made Thing through which the connection between the two instances of B2 Morphological Building Section is made, can be recorded using the property BP11.2 is connected through.

BP11.1 in the mode of: E55 Type
The great hall (B2) is connected to the sacristy (B2).

In First Order Logic:
BP11.2 is connected through
BP11 is connected toBP11
E24 Physical Human-Made ThingE24
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
one to many (0,n:0,1)
Scope Note:
This property identifies the instance of E24 Physical Man Made Thing through which the connection between the two instances of B2 Morphological Building Section is made.

The great hall (B2) is connected to (B11) the sacristy (B2) is connected through the corridor (E24).

In First Order Logic:
BP13 used specific object (was specific object used by)
E12 ProductionE12
B5 Stratigraphic Building UnitB5
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
many to many (0,n:0,n)
Scope Note:
This property is used to describe an instance of a physical object that is used in the production of new substance that constitutes the Morphological Building Section (i.e. a Stratigraphic Building Section)

The construction of the new façade (BP13 used specific object) the staircase.

In First Order Logic:
BP14 re-used specific object (was specific object re-used by)
E12 ProductionE12
B5 Stratigraphic Building UnitB5
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
many to many (0,n:0,n)
Scope Note:
This property is used to describe an instance of a physical object that is re-used in the production of new substance that constitutes the Morphological Building Section (i.e. a Stratigraphic Building Section)

The stones of the Roman theatre (BP14 was specific object re-used by) the construction of the fountain.

In First Order Logic:
BP15 is equal to
B5 Stratigraphic Building UnitB5
B3 Filled Morphological Building SectionB3
SubProperty Of:
- -
SuperProperty Of:
- -
many to many (0,n:0,n)
Scope Note:
This property is used to relate a Stratigraphic Building Section with a Morphological Building Section when the former is equal to the latter.

The northern wall (BP 15 is equal to) the SBU “northern wall”.

In First Order Logic: