Issue 188: Scope note of E11

Starting Date: 
Working Group: 
Closing Date: 

Currently, E11 reads:

If the instance of the E29 Design or Procedure utilised for the modification prescribes the use of specific materials, they should be documented using properties of the design or procedure, rather than via P126 employed (was employed in): E57 Material.

Jen-Shin Hong asked 5/30/10 4:31 PM :
Martin, should we add an "E29" here? Also, should we clearly indicate which properties of E29 to use here?

I support that.

Anyone to draft a new scope note?

(during the translation of CRM into Chinese) 16/6/2010

Old Proposal: 

The last paragraph of E11 scope note changed to:
If the instance of the E29 Design or Procedure utilized for the modification prescribes the use of specific materials, they should be documented using property P68 foresees use of: E57 Material of E29 Design or Procedure, rather than via P126 employed (was employed in): E57 Material.

This is a recommendation of a default value, and should be replaced by an explanation of the relation between P68 and P126
Nuremberg 22-12-2010

Current Proposal: 

PLB wrote 
I was asked to write something in order to make it explicit that the material foreseen by a design or procedure may not be the one that was actually used by an activity that claims to have used that design or procedure. I thought the most relevant place for this was in the scope note for P33 used specific technique (was used by) but if you think it necessary I can draft other wordings for properties P68 foresees use of (use foreseen by) and P126 employed (was employed in) as well.

By the way, the 2nd paragraph of the scope note for P33 is no longer relevant, or should be rephrased, as the domain of the property has changed.

Suggested additional paragraph:
"Although the instance of E29 Design or Procedure referred to is specific and documented, it may happen that an instance of E7 Activity associated with it through property P33does not strictly adhere to all the instructions contained in that instance of E29 Design or Procedure, but follows an unwritten variant of it. As a consequence, it is not possible to regard the path from E11 Modification (subclass of E7 Activity) through P33 used specific technique (was used by), E29 Design or Procedure, P68 foresees use of (use foreseen by) to E57 Material as semantically equivalent to the property E11 Modification P126 employed (was employed in) E57 Material. The specific instance of E57 Material used in the course of an instance of E11 Modification that applied a specific technique can be different from the instance of E57 Material stipulated by that technique; e.g., the recipe for a cake (E29) P68 foresees use of sugar (E57), but the actual production of a cake (E12 Production, subclass of E11 Modification) may have used (P126) a sweetener (E57) instead of sugar, and yet be still regarded as using the recipe."

By email, January 2011

Crete May 2011


New E11 scope note:
"This class comprises all instances of E7 Activity that create, alter or change E24 Physical Man-Made Thing. 

This class includes the production of an item from raw materials, and other so far undocumented objects, and the preventive treatment or restoration of an object for conservation. Since the distinction between modification and production is not always clear, modification is regarded as the more generally applicable concept. This implies that some items may be consumed or destroyed in a Modification, and that others may be produced as a result of it. An event should also be documented using E81 Transformation if it results in the destruction of one or more objects and the simultaneous production of others using parts or material from the originals. In this case, the new items have separate identities. If the instance of the E29 Design or Procedure utilized for the modification prescribes the use of specific materials, they should be documented using property P68 foresees use of (use foreseen by): E57 Material of E29 Design or Procedure, rather than via P126 employed (was employed in): E57 Material."

New P33 scope note:
"This property identifies a specific instance of E29 Design or Procedure in order to carry out an instance of E7 Activity or parts of it. 
The property differs from P32 used general technique (was technique of) in that P33 refers to an instance of E29 Design or Procedure, which is a concrete information object in its own right rather than simply being a term or a method known by tradition. Typical examples would include intervention plans for conservation or the construction plans of a building."

Patrick's text to go into a FAQ.
Crete, 18/5/2011